Yoga Classes


    • Location: Cafe Sankofa,2323 S Salina st, Syracuse, NY 13205

      • In-home sessions available! Contact Tedra for more information.

    • Availability: Please contact for availability at or 315-464-0497

    • Cost:

      • $45 for 1 hour virtual/zoom private 1:1 yoga class

      • $65 for 1 hour private 1:1 yoga class

      • $85 for 1 hour & 15 minute private 1:1 yoga class with LED Light Therapy

        **Please note that 1st time classes or classes that require more in-depth exploration may need approximately 15 additional minutes

      • Private group and corporate classes are available. Please contact for more information.

  • Online Yoga Videos: Coming Soon!!

Private 1:1 Yoga Classes:

Private sessions are great for anyone looking to improve and enhance their yoga practice and who would feel more comfortable and at ease practicing in an intimate space.  Beginner Yogis, wanting to know about the intricacies of certain poses/make less intimidating, recovering from illness or injury, want to advance their yoga skill set. Athletes of all sports and levels, and those recovering from an injury will benefit from the close, personal attention attained in the sessions. Those of advanced age also benefit greatly from regular yoga practice in a space they find comfortable.

Private lessons will allow your practice to deepen and evolve at your own pace. You will begin with a personal consultation with Tedra. From there she will create a practice tailored to your individual body requirements, strengths, yoga goals and injuries and includes safe and proper alignment of postures and mindful breath work.  By personalizing your program, you will attain optimum results faster and more efficiently.

You can even add LED Light Therapy to your session as a great way to further relax and promote healing during savasana. Click below to learn more about light therapy.

Benefits of Private Yoga Class:  

1.    Safer Environment for Beginner Yogis

2.    Feel More Comfortable and Less Self-Conscious

3.    Focus On Personal Goals & Needs

4.    Tailor The Class To Your Limitations, Injuries, or Health Concerns

5. Prepare Yourself For Group Classes